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Hello all,

✨ I'm finally back with another post, but this time it's slightly different. It's more of an shopping experince rather than my usual posts about clothing and summer wear. ✨

Recently (as you may have seen my on Instagram story), i had been to Harrods. And i know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was a first for me. So very exciting and something to write about!

So my aim was to go in their and take some photographs, (you know, the usual), to post on my social media. It was a very pleasant experience, but really different from what i am used to. I don't really go out and about much, but when i do i like to make the most of the time i have away from home. So that's exactly what i did whilst i was there. But i didn't spend long, i would say around 20 minutes.

It's a massive set of stores all put under one large built up block building, with a classy/expensive interior, but a sort of old fashioned exterior. The outside has aged (a lot) and looks nothing like the inside.

And there is a good few floors, all full of mini stores lined up one after another, it's almost like a never ending stream of shops all in a line on either side as you walk through the middle of it all. The floor is marble and plenty of models and the latest clothing/designer works on show in glass windows/boxes as you walk down the isle. It's pretty spacious and not crowded at all; there's plenty of airy space to walk and stroll, and believe me, you could probably spend all day there. Bu ti only went to the 2nd floor, which is where all the women's wear was based, (that's my only interest). (Forgot to mention, upon arriving there are little lite text boxes with brand names on them, on the sides of the walls.

I actually enjoyed this experience, but i felt i could have spent a lot longer there, as it's a smart but casual place to lounge around in, (but obviously not the prices!). Just a nice little place to get a good view of what other designers and the type of garments brands are making, not forgetting to mention a VERY good place for inspiration if you're a fashion and art student (like myself).

Definitely worth the visit, hopefully i'll be able to go again sometimes soon, i think it looks better in the dark with the lights glistening onto the lengthy building block. 😍😍

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