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This is where you can find a few of my initial ideas, and sketches from where all my print/design ideas originated from, during the: 'Architecture' project.


This project was not my strongest, or by far my most favourable, but it was key in learning and exploring new techniques which is why i think it is crucial that I include some of my ideas on the theme. 


So i think it is as significantly important to make a little space on my website for them to show how I have grown, and how rough/weak ideas can become strong bold statements, to form an end result/outcome when worked/improved on with time, care and precision.


Whilst approaching the project in different unexpected ways.

Drawing from direct observation was my main source for these drawings and illustrations; upon my trip to Central London.


And combing well established and conventional building structures from Mediterranean countries.


Along with inspiration from my imagination, and pattern ideas.

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