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I took part in an observational sessions of 'draping' in which i was asked to draw exactly what i saw and how i saw it. 


The creases and folds of satin fabric being draped on the mannequin, forming a delicate range of floaty, wispy folds; forming sharp shadows behind themselves.


Starting with a faint pencil sketch with light lines/markings, then building layers of: tone, block colour (tonal), form, shape and structure of each extended fold.


Working with a range of mediums; ink and water, biro, pencil, charcoal and chalk to form a range of textures to express experimentation.


In addition to using a range of mediums, I also worked with the layering process, by incorporating; brown paper, newspaper and newsprint scraps/tears, to build up depth and realism; emphasising the range of mark making I have used on top of these layers.


'Draping' was a new experience for me as i have never draw draped fabric from observation, and i have to say I actually enjoyed the experience, (and would definitely sketch fabric from observation again,) since this experience allowed me to explore a range of techniques and rough mark marking, (which i was not used to and did not feel comfortable in making before).

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